Access to a comprehensive theological education varies greatly for leaders across our connection. In Africa, Europe, and the Philippines, organized as the central conferences, access to education is not keeping pace with the rapid growth of the Church in those regions.
For those living in central conferences, receiving a theological education poses significant challenges including:
Seminaries are too far away or too expensive
Seminaries struggle to find well-trained professors and to offer library resources in needed languages
Courses of Study for initial and continuing education need to be developed
Scholarships are needed for initial and post-graduate studies
These barriers prevent the formal education of future pastors that could transform congregations around the world. In order to minister effectively and be prepared to serve as leaders for the challenges of the world, we must provide our leaders with the necessary tools and resources to be successful through education in the Wesleyan tradition.
"In my country, in most places where you go to, whether it’s in public sector or private sector, you get United Methodist people right at the top. And I believe it’s because of the foundation. And if we could do more to train pastors, I think we could transform more lives that way. Yes. That could transform the nation."
The late Betty Spiwe Katiyo,
From Zimbabwe