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Early efforts of the Endowment Fund have supported the area of new avenues in theological education. Specifically, progress has been made toward networks of Methodist theological e-learning. The Endowment Fund is collaborating with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, Perkins School of Theology, Cliff College, and the British Methodist Church to build up a worldwide network for virtual forms of theological education. Each partner has graciously donated expertise and time to this exciting project, enabling new forms of blended learning, on-site and online. The Endowment Fund has the unique chance to support and strengthen this transformative work. 


Regional gatherings have taken place in Kenya and Mozambique, with more to come. See below and right for information about these meetings.


The COVID-19 pandemic has made virtual meetings more common. Read more about this virtual gathering of theological institutions in Mozambique:

Ms Mercy Rehema (left), is a lay person, a graduate of Africa University, MF Norwegian School of Theology, and the University of Oslo. She teaches courses on sociology of religion and social ethics at Wesleyan United Methodist Training College. She said of the training event in Kenya, “This experience is definitely life changing.” Read more here:

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